When it comes to cleaning the carpet, most of us are content to run a vacuum cleaner around the house once in a while and call it a day. Most of the time that’s perfectly fine, but every now and again you need something a little more heavy-duty. El Contractor has a range of services available that will have your carpet looking, feeling and smelling its best – but why opt for professional carpet cleaning in the first place?
Four-Footed Friends
Pets can light up your life and bring joy to your days, but they can also bring a lot of mess to your house. While house training can avoid many of the major problems, over time even the most well-behaved pets can end up causing some issues in the cleanliness department.
One of the main culprits is hair: even if you do your best to keep on top of things, it can end up essentially woven into the fabric of the carpet. There’s also the matter of odour: larger dogs in particular can tend to gradually make a house smell like them, and of course baby animals which aren’t house trained yet sometimes leave smelly surprises for you to discover. That’s why odour neutralisation is an important part of el Contractor’s CarPet Cleaning package. We can even sort out anti-bug spray, to keep out all the little critters that like to follow your furry friends inside.

Think of the Children
If there’s one thing that new parents learn very quickly, it’s that babies (and kids in general) are mess magicians. These bundles of joy seem to have an almost supernatural ability to spread stuff (food, bodily fluids, whatever they can get their hands on) around the house in startling and often surprising ways. Gravity being what it is, a lot of this mess ends up on the floor. Sometimes a vacuum cleaner or old fashioned vinegar & water will do the job, but other times the mess is so spectacular that calling in the professionals is the only decent solution.
The El Contractor team has vanquished our fair share of stains and bad smells – so when you need some next-level carpet cleaning after one of your kids has outdone themselves in the mess department, you can rest assured that we’ll have your carpets pristine in no time.
It can be easy to ignore grimy carpets (at least for a while) but it makes such a huge difference to how your house looks and feels when they’ve had a proper clean. Chat with the team at El Contractor today and we’ll sort you out with a free quote!